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09. studenoga 2006.





Demokratski senator Charles Schumer iz države New York poslao je predsjedniku HSP 1861. zahvalu za potporu Demokratskom senatskom odboru za izbore na upravo završenim kongresnim izborima za Senat i Zastupnički dom američkog Kongresa, na kojem je Demokratska stranka doživjela nezapamćeni trijumf. U upućenoj zahvali u ime Demokratskog senatskog odbora za izbore, senator Schumer ističe, da se oba doma Kongresa nalaze ponovno u rukama Demokrata nakon punih 12 godina kao i da  prvi put nakon više od 80 godina nijedan demokratski dužnosnik nije izgubio svoje mjesto na proteklim izborima za Senat i Zastupnički dom kongresa. “Ovi izbori su konačna pobjeda naše demokracije… Izazovi sa kojima ćemo se suočiti kod kuće i u svijetu slijedećih mjeseci su zastrašujući, ali mogu Vam obećati: ljudi i žene kojima ste pomogli  ući u Senat Sjedinjenih Država su istinski lideri koji će vratiti Ameriku na pravi put. Svaki pojedinac kao Vi ima svoj vlastiti udio u ovoj izvanrednoj pobjedi” ističe, pored ostalog ,  u svojem dopisu američki senator Chuck Schumer.

Objavljujemo pismo senatora Schumera u cijelosti:


Dear Dobroslav,

We did it. But really, you did it.

Without the amazing support that people like you have given to the DSCC, there is no way I would be able to utter the following extraordinary words:

Democrats will soon take control of the United States Senate.

Victory in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Missouri and Montana is already ours. We're waiting for final official results, but at this hour, Jim Webb is poised to be the next Senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia.

It all adds up to a six seat swing that will now place the Senate and House of Representatives in Democratic hands for the first time in 12 years. For the first time in over 80 years, no Democratic incumbent lost an election in the House or the Senate. It's a truly a historic victory, and a golden opportunity to chart a new course for America.

This election was the ultimate triumph of our democracy. A Congress that had become unaccountable to its people was defeated. But it didn't happen on its own. You were the catalysts that made this all possible. Every single time the DSCC asked for your help, loyal Democrats like you came through.

The challenges we face at home and abroad in the coming months are daunting. But this much I can assure you: the men and women you just helped send to the United States Senate are true leaders and they've got what it takes to put America back on track.

Every single one of you owns a part of this amazing victory. Thank you so much.


Sen. Chuck Schumer