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CROATIAN PARTY OF RIGHTS 1861 The Croatian People is the independent national unity; It is a Nation by itself. In its national meaning it is neither identical to any other nation, nor is it a part of any other nation. The Croatian people is indigenous people, and beside its ethnic origin, in its modern sense of the word, it is composed of all Croatian citizens, regardless to their ethnic origin, and by their conscience and by their commitment they form Croatian nation. The Croatian people by themselves and as the political nation have right to the full sovereignty and the self government. INTRODUCTORY PRINCIPLES Article 1
Croatian people is one of the oldest European nations, the people who struggled through various historical times and conditions, fighting permanently for its independence and sovereign state.Settled to the today' s territory, the Croatian people formed their own state community in which they lived independently up to the year 1102. Loosing the independence and sovereignty, the Croatian people lived for eight centuries under strange government, keeping however their national distinctiveness and the idea of the right on their own state. The pivot of the national conscience of the Croatian people and the idea of the right on their own state from 1861 is the Croatian Party of Rights and its founder dr. Ante Starčević. The Croatian Party of Rights is the oldest party of the Croatian people. It was banned in 1929. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is the political organisation which continues this political way on the basic principles established by Dr. Ante Starčević, in order to establish completely independent Croatian State on its entire ethnical and historical territory. Article 2
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is explicitly against establishment or creation of any kind of new Yugoslavia or Great Serbia and in this sense it will always support the defensive alliance of the victims of the Serbian aggression.Article 3
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is supporting the establishment of the independent and happy Croatia, which will be built on the modern democratic foundations in the spirit of freedom, in which the main principles will be the reign of rights and the protection of human rights.In order to achieve this noble objective, the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is starting from the principles of the Croatian right to have its own state, it supports the political attitudes struggling for the full independence of the Croatian State Community, it relies on the glorious Croatian experience and is taking care of the modern needs of the Croatian people. Article 4
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will struggle for introduction of the principles of the constitutional state and civilised society, and for the entire protection of human rights of all its citizens, regardless to their religion or ethnic origin, on basis of their Croatian belonging.In realisation of this important objective, the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will follow the provisions of the early English, American and French declarations in the spirit of freedom, and especially on basis which have been comprised in the General Declaration of Human Rights, as the part of the United Nations Charter, International Treaty on Civil and Political Rights, International Treaty on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other important international documents. Article 5
The systematic oppression of Croatian people and its difficult material situation, caused mass emigration of Croats, both from the Republic of Croatia and from its historical parts like Bačka, Banat, Boka Kotorska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sandžak and Srijem.The consequences of such movements result in a terrifying fact that one half of Croats live abroad having no influence on the destiny of their parent country. Therefore the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will endeavour to make possible for all Croats to retum to their ancestral hearths and to be able to contribute, as much as possible, to the reconstruction and flourish of our beautiful country. Article 6
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will eagerly work on total removal of consequences of the ideological and political dictatorship of the Yugoslav and Bolshevist Socialism.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1891 will in its acting, permanently request that the constitutional state and its normal operation prevent the creation of political organisations based on the violent and inhuman principles. Article 7
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will support the keeping and development of the national consciousness, the Croatian language and civilisation.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will permanently struggle for the welfare and the ethic transformation of the Croatian people, for restoration and consolidation of its general human values, as well as for application of morality in the complete social life. Article 8
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will support the protection of the rights of the minvrity groups and those groups of the Croatian citizens who, beside their belonging to the Croatian nation, feel their belonging to a certain ethnic group or minority group, and all in accordance with European standards in protection of the rights of minority groups.POLITICALLY CONSTRUCTIVE PRINCIPLES
Article 9
The Croatian people is the bearer of the unlimited, inalienable, indivisible, unassignable and unexpendable sovereignty.Article 10
On basis of the established existence of the uninterrupted sequence of the Croatian statehood and clear aspirations of the Croatian people for state self- determination, the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 primary interceded for complete establishment of the state power within the internationallv recognised borders of the Republic of Croatia.Respecting the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bvsnia and Herzegovina, the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will support as close as possible co-ordination and creation of confederate or federal state communities between Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with respect of subjectivity of both countries. Under the new circumstances when the Croatian historical and ethnic space has been divided into two sovereign countries, the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will support their federal or confederate unification by peoples' free will, with motto: "Croatia up to river Drina, BiH up to Adriatic Sea." Article 11
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 opposes to every state or any other confederate association, which objective would be restoration of Yugoslavia or any other similar or forced association.We consider the every acknowledgement of the constitutional right to any other ethnic group in the Republic of Croatia is contrary to the interests and aspirations of the Croatian people, and therefore the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 does not accept the federalisation of Croatia and similar ideas. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 struggles for creation of a unique Croatian state which would be divided into counties and those in districts and municipalities. The Croatian state would control army, the borders, one part of the internal affairs, currency and other affairs of state, while the counties would control police, education, one part of financial affairs. The districts and municipalities would have authorisations which would overpass those of the present counties. In the decentralised state administration, in the application and the respect of the local legislation, the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 sees a guarantee of the complete and unique Croatia and a dam against tendencies which reject the idea of the integral and undivided Croatia. Article 12
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will oppose to any treaty or agreement which is contrary to the basic right of the Croatian people, the right on existence of an independent and autonomic state.Article 13
In Croatian state in accordance with its Constitution there has to be done strict division among legislative power, judiciary and executive power.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will struggle for development of the parliamentary democracy and the civil state in which all its citizens have equal rights. The Croatian party of rights will fight against dogmatism, neocommunism, neofascism and inflexible centralism. Article 14
The legislative bodies are to be elected on secret and direct elections carried out on basis of the equal and general voting rights.A11 bodies of the Croatian constitutional state have to act against Constitution, law and other legal prescriptions, independently of interests of any political organisation. For Croatian Party of Rights - 1861, the Croatian Parliament (Sabor), has to become the legislative and political decision making centre. Article 15
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 supports the revocation of the semipresidential Constitution and limitation of the presidential power to the function of the representative of the state and symbol of the unity of the nation and the state sovereignty.The army, police, education and similar organised state activities cannot be used for interests of only one political party. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will specifically support the military build-up of the Croatian state by development of the military industry instead of supporting the var profiteers through black market of all kinds of weapons. In this sense the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will struggle for complete reorganisation of the Ministry of Defence and its organisation in accordance with the Israeli or Swiss model. Article 16
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will support the independentjudiciary, and fight against interference of the executive power in the work of tribunals.The judges are by unique and equal procedures elected for an undetermined period of time, and they can be revoked only in cases and against procedure foreseen by the law. HUMAN RIGHTS
Article 17
The basic principle for protection of human rights comprises the true universal human rights in the direction and in the frame of its existence. The situation of the human is the criterion of the values of the social system, and the human rights are to be in the foundations of the system itself.Article 18
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will pay special attention to the protection of rights especially of the violated or threatened human beings, and will support he mobilisation of the scientific, educational and information methods aimed at the universal respect of human rights.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will especially support the freedom of media, culture, art, science and publicity, and the undisturbed development of the political parties and trade unions. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is explicitly against political systems of Bolshevik and fascist type as well as against any type of ideology which is opposed to the inherited democratic systems. Article 19
The Croatian citizen is any person of the Croatian ethnic origin, as well as any other person who is the holder of the Croatian citizenship regardless to his/her ethnic origin.All Croatian citizens are equal regardless to their race, colour, sex, nationality, language, religion, education, possessions, their legal or social standing. The ethnic origin cannot be reason for special protection from responsibility. All persons are equal in front of the law and they have right to the equal protection. Every person has right to his/her free opinion and conscience, and the right to hold peaceful public meetings and to organise meetings with purpose. No person should be subject to arbitrary interference into his/her private life or family, private home or personal correspondence. Article 20
All religions are equal.The Church is separated from the sate, and the religion is the personal matter of every human being. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 respects all religious traditions and supports all Croatian patriotic activities of all religious communities. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will endeavour that the Croatian citizens of the Orthodox Church have the right to establish their autocephalous church and name it by their name, so that such church be accepted by the Croatian state with equal rights as all other religious communities. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 opposes for one religion, regardless to the number of its believers, to be protected by the Croatian state or to be declared state religion. Article 21
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is against all political lawsuits, against physical and mental torture during pre-trial investigations, as well as against misuse of psychiatry for achievement of illegal objectives.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will support carrying out all procedures and actions aimed toward noble endeavour for protection of the seriously violated or threatened human rights. Article 22
The rights and freedoms of every person can be limited by law only and this in accordance with the Constitution and international conventions for the protection of human rights.GENERAL AIMS
Article 23
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is promoting the dignity and the reputation of woman, and endeavours for her equal participation in the social, economic and political life of the country.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will protect the motherhood, the family and the raise of the new generations. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will always support the protection of life from its conception to its natural death, and this especially by creating better living standard of population, especially women, and by protection of motherhood, and not by repressive measures. The Croatian people is in demographic threat because of its low birth-rate and its mass emigration, and therefore the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will endeavour to this reason too, for protection of all human lives. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will struggle for Croatian state to be obliged to educate and look after abandoned children and children in need. Article 24
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 supports the realisation of right on general medical care.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 requests that every Croatian citizen, who is incapable for work be allowed to receive monthly allowance (pension) regardless to his/her years of work. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 requests for all victims of repression to be provided with material and moral assistance. Article 25
The Croatian Pariy of Rights - 1861 opposes to alienation and seizure of socially-owned property by declaring it state property or by selling it to the other persons.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 supports the fair transformation, i.e. privatisation of the national property, without plunder, robbery or fraud in style of the Latin-American pillage. The Croatian Party of Rights is for immediate denationatisation of the seized property of the citizens and institutions and for freezing, revision and legal sanctioning of illegal transformation. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 endeavours that the money from transformation and purchase of flats be used for restoration of the housing fund, protection of the victims of war and development of the rural regions and agriculture. Article 26
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 supports the truthful establishment of the passed events and free evaluation of the public persons, by application of the historical criteria and strict scientific methods.Article 27
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 supports the protection of nature from destruction and pollution, as well as the maintenance of the vital balance in nature. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is for application of the most up-to-date technological methods in the nature and society, and encourages the production and consumption of natural food which represents the base of the survival of life.Article 28
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 supports the protection of the cultural inheritance of the Croatian people and encourages the introduction of the traditional Croatian civilisation in everyday life.By promotion of the Croatian civilisation identity, we support the introduction of the complete Croatian spiritual qualities in general forms of the modern creative production as a community of the pluralism of civilisation. Article 29
Everybody has right to be educated.The primary education is to be compulsory and free of cost. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 considers that developing of the modem schooling and educational system, free from all political and ideological influences, provides opportunity for development of a young person into a broadly educated, skilled and morally firm individual. Article 30
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 supports the creation of the image of the modern Croatian educated person which would bring in our life the world scientific methods and develop the achieved results of the world technological achievements.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 believes that the science is the basic link of the complete development of the modern Croatian society, and supports the finding and education of talented children, their intellectual and vocational training. ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES
Article 31
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will encourage in Croatia the development of the basic economic activities which can compete on the world market and thus bring prosperity and welfare to all Croatian people.Article 32
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will permanently support the general development of the Croatian economy, the revitalisation of agriculture, the construction of modern high-roads which would connect the Central Europe with Croatian Adriatic ports through North Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.Article 33
Everybody has right to work, the right to choose its own employment and right to be protected from unemployment.Everybody.has right to equal salary for equal work. Article 34
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is against dismissal of workers because it believes that the surplus of manpower is the result of the unskilled and immoral management and bad fiscal and personnel policy.In order to remove the results of the existing bad economic situation, the Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will support the engagement of the complete government machinery and social legal being in order to heal the economic tissue. Article 35
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 believes that Croatian fiscal and completely independent monetary policy must adjust the economic life of all social subjects and encourage the new creativity, as well as the development of the national economy on the whole.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 expects that the monetary and credit policy would stimulate the further development of the successful entrepreneurs in every economic activity. Article 36
The national economy can develop, especially by stimulating the possibilities of the personal profit in economy and by encouraging the free market competition.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 sees in the transformation of the public ownership into the private ownership the motivation of all employed persons for more efficient work and good management with newly created values, and supports the fair distribution of shares to all employed persons. The private property is unlimited. The private property is the guarantee of the freedom of human beings and the efficiency of the private ownership system is important in the society on the whole. Article 37
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will support the establishment of the independent trade-unions or employers and employees, which would be in a position to protect the rights and interests of its members.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 would closely co-operate in order to create social justice, social peace and equality of partnership between the employers and the employees. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 would support the cancellation and modification of the unfavourable legislature in the field of labour, establishment of tribunals for labour litigations, opening of the new workplaces and foreign investments instead of the further unemployment as the result of the plunder in transformation and economy. Article 38
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 supports the carrying out the efficient social policy which would secure the necessary balance between the requests for the successful economy and the aims of the social justice.Article 39
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 supports the return of the social dignity to the peasants as the eldest social group.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is explicitly against fixing land minimum in possession or ownership of the farmers. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 is supporting the revitalisation of the rural life as alternative to the rampageous industrialisation and urbanisation. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will encourage the development of farms in the way to support the offering of professional assistance, the allocation of favourable credits, the sale of agricultural products and to prevent disintegration of rural households. The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will specially support the introduction of the most up-to date agricultural production as well as the maximum elimination of difference between the urban and rural way of life by. FINAL STIPULATIONS
Article 40
The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will especially support the general renewal of all human values and cultivation of moral criteria in the life of the people on the whole.The Croatian Party of Rights - 1861 will permanently endeavour by words and deeds to the benefit of the Croatian homeland, of the Croatian people and of all Croatian citizens. CROATIAN PARTY OF RIGHTS - 1861 President Dobroslav Paraga (signed) |
Dobroslav Paraga President Adres: Šenoina 13, 10 000 Zagreb,Croatia Tel: (+385) 1 4839 938, (+385) 1 4839 940 Fax: (+385) 1 4839 939 ![]() E-mail: hsp1861@hsp1861.hr |