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OF CROATIAN PARTY OF RIGHTS-1861. - HRVATSKA STRANKA PRAVA-1861. FOR LOCAL AND SELF GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS AND ELECTIONS OF COUNTIES OF THE CROATIAN PARLIAMENTHSP-1861. goes to elections on 13th April, 1997. fully aware the elections could be irregular because of lack of multyparty vouting committies and commissions. Opserving the elections is not enough, because the same should be supervised by those that participate. Unfortunatelly, there will not be supervision as it was not any in the earlier elections, except in 1990. HSP-1861 is the only one thrue oposition party which can instantly change present dramaticaly uneffected Croatian government and create more successfully and prosperous state. Other parties, governing or oposition offer only minimum changes, or change of the rulling party with maintaining of status quo, i.e. retaining present model of further ruination of Croatia. Considering the elections on 13th April could be beginning of the end of unyparty rule, devastation of Croatian suverenity and dirthy politics, as well as the beginning of conversions the Croatian 's into modern political nation. Belief is that resulting of elections will remove the last semblances of democracy, we are considering that the responsibility lies with bigger oposition parties which neglected to form strong oposition block for removing HDZ from government. Besides HSS which is the only recicled HDZ, or its extension upon establishment of Mr. Zlatko Tomcic as a leadership of this party by HDZ, the most guilt lies with HSLS who neglected to unit other parties into effective oposition capable to remove HDZ from the government. Instead of that, HSLS demonstrates lack of commitment and identity without real election platform. Under pretense of false liberalism and liberal ideology they did nothing to creat modern state capable to protect human rights and proper functioning of multiparty system.For reestablishment of multiparty control during the elections, they did nothing , but also they did nothing to stop eliminitation of parlimentary political parties as it was recent case of HND party and its leader Mr.Stipe Mesic, or scandalous approval for illegal eaves-droping of the former Attorney General, Mr.Krunislav Olujic by its member Mr.Jozo Rados, member of parliamentary commission for political and national security. Without wider coallition, both left and right parties which are not under controll by the HDZ, votes will be wide-spread and that will enable HDZ to gain greater number of votes and real possibility to retain power. HSLS as a party in the coalition with HSS is directly in coalition with rulling party and eventual win of these two parties will not remove HDZ, only it will brings three-way split. If the vouters give confidence to HSP-l86l. they will not be disappointed as its the most moral party in the modern Croartian politic. Motto of the party is morality and honesry, belief in God, Croatia and Croatians. It offers accountabillity with quarterly report of progress and achivements, i.e. introduction of cost-effective budget, more effective and less costly army and police forces, ellimination of national service and introducing fully professional army, stop financing the Herceg-Bosnia, protection of home market, own production and own consumers against black market, establishing our currency as reliable monetary unit on the world market. Model of tranzition /privatization should be null and void, all properties unjustly were taken during past and present system should be returned. Our motto for this elections is : PROPERTY TO OWNERS, SHARES TO WORKERS, LAND TO FARMERS, CROATIA TO CROATIANS. We are calling all true Croatians to fight for their rights with HSP-l86l. We are going to this electiones with message: WORK FOR UNEMPLOYED- JUSTICE FOR ALL - FOOD FOR HUNGRY. Therefore, we offer programme which will realise the above stated. With good budgeting we are ready to open several thousand new working places within next twelve months. We require reduction of birocracy, public servatnes, reduction of company cars and public buildings. Agriculture and farming should be protected and subsidized by the government and we guarantee purchasing at competative price for primary products and good returns for invested work. Lower taxes will result cheaper food for two, or three times. That would stop shopping trips in abroad, as in Hungary where our citizens buy salami, paste, meet, coca-cola, i.e. food, even our own products as it is VEGETA. We are ready to reduce price of bread from five to two Kunas, because there are real possibilities for this. Banks should be in servise to all citizens, not only to a chosen persons, and should deal with reasonable interest rates. We will stop influence all of those that have monopoly and use it for own benefit taking the last piece of bread from the table of the Croatian people. They are for example " INA " (oil industry), " HEP " (electro-telecommunications), "HRT " (radio-television) ," VODOPRIVREDA " (water recourses) , etc. Its necessary to introduce institution of extra elections in case that government break elective programme and given promises. In that case, its necessary to collect five hundred signatures on the local level, and five thousand signatures in the counties. HSP-l86l. offers fair tax system according to which lower wages of up to five hundred DEM per person should be exempted of tax. All other personal taxes should be gradualy reduced by 2/3 in regard to the present tax system.Previous owners will get their properties in nature form in possible cases,and in other cases they will receive vouchers. Also, after cancelling the privatization, shares will be distributed to pensioners and workers. Mothers with three or more children will get their pension three years per child earlier, whether they have been employed or not. So, unemployed mothers will be eligible for average old age pension. In the process of demographic rebuilding of nation, priority will be given to mothers with children. Its necessary to find out a way to balance national budget and eliminate taxes on baby supplies. HSP-l86l. offers introduction of new economic model which is prerequist for building and development of social equality, justice and legality. Besided of that, we offer ecological clean country by introduction recicling of our waste. These will be enable us to get heating and electrical energy, various petro-chemical products, coal, components needed for production and manufacturing of rubber products and cement industry. Recicling communal,technological and other waste could create up to fifty thousand new working places and save two hundred thousand tons of raw oil per year, and lastly, it would grately improve ecology in our state. So, instead of burning our waste and creating new rubish dumps, we offer industry capable recicling most of our waste, which will create not only new energy and raw-materials for our industry, but it will create many new working places and will solve problem ecological protection of our waterways, soil and clean air. That will liberate citizens of breathing polluted air, polluted food and water, and of contamination of our land which destroy vegetation and biological exsistance. We offer complete strategy of economic development which is not based only on industry, agriculture and turisam, but on those what is condition of healthy men kind and society as well, that is the newest way recicling and reusing of our waste what will create new possibilities for turisam and economic boom. In the name of our party there is a word " r i g h t s ".We worn everybody who thinks that force can be used against own people that they are wrong, that every tiran has his era, while justice and rights are forever. Programme of HSP-l86l. is based on the programme of Dr.Ante Starcevic and that is Croatian declaration of human rights and freedom. We defend and we are going to defend the right to life, right for freedom and right of ownership. Also, we shall make radical changes in politics with Bosnia-Herzegovina, we shall create stronger ties between Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina, and our motto is unit the whole BIH territory into one federation. We would like to remove leftover from the last rouling system who inflitrated rulling party, sleved Croatia, keep Croatians in obedience and in some way, in much worst state than during Yugoslavia. Voute for HSP-l86l.means voute for returning Croatia to Croatians. We call and beg - CROATIANS WEAK UP - UNPRIVILIGED FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS - WITH CROATIAN PARTY OF RIGHTS l86l. HRVATSKA STRANKA PRAVA - l86l. Zagreb .March.l997. President: MR.D.Paraga |
National programme Programme for Zagreb U.S. SENAT RES. 169 Adres: Šenoina 13, 10 000 Zagreb,Croatia Tel: (+385) 1 4839 938, (+385) 1 4839 940 Fax: (+385) 1 4839 939 ![]() E-mail: hsp1861@hsp1861.hr |