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ELECTION PROGRAMMEOF CROATIAN PARTY OF RIGHTS-1861. FOR CITY OF ZAGREBElection programme of HSP-l86l. emphasizes several priorities which are as follows:
TRANSITION OF THEPROPERTY- Its necessary to moove revision of all contracts and check whether they are in accordance with law, breaking laws and other unjustices. For that purpose its necessary to form a team of experts of various economic branches. Any unlawfull activity must be punished. - Its necessary to cancell some manager's credits gained from banks, insurance companies and pensioner 's fund. - Those who did 'nt pay full amount of aquired shares will be obliged to pay in given time into pensioner and healthy funds, and the rest into development on the base of developing elaborate and programme for short and long term investments. - Present law concerning privatization/transition must undergo big change so that in division, sale/purchase of shares should participate firstly those that created riches.Its necessary to introduce other criteriums how to become main share holder. - Public companies which are of state interest shouldn 't go into transition. Maybe only partly, but it 's necessary to legalised a new law about transition with expert debate on all levels and lastly in Parliament. DENATIONALIZATION- Law to reimburs confiscated properties during yugo-communism regime which will enable to proir owners partly payment in cash, i.e. 25% and the rest in share certificates or in some legal obligations issued by the government, but only to Croatian citizens with legal proove of citizenship ans their firsth heirs starting from the beginning of 2000 year, we are considering this law should be canceled and Law off denationalization should be introduced. - It 's necessary correctly estimate confiscated property whose value amounts about 87 billions DEM plus 6 billions DEM in flats, while according to government, estimation amounts about 11 billions DEM plus 2 billions DEM in flats. - The present law is unacceptable because interst rate for possible inflation of DEM is not foreseen what may couse valueless of capital during twenthy years, through which period, starting from 2000 year should be made. - We are pleading for immediate restitution of the confiscated properties in nature form in all possible cases, and we are not for monetary restitution where all workers should give up of their wages for many years. ECONOMIC PROGRAMME- As it is necessary to create clear national strategy of development, there is also need to create strategy of region development including city of Zagreb. - Whole economic concept is necessary to point against retrenchement, on revivel of production, opening new working places, reduction of criminal activities in economy. Primarily, to stop Croatian economy (mainly in Zagreb where is located 70% of the whole state production) not to fall into missue, it is necessary to revise all up to now made contracts, to recheck lawbreakings and all irregularities in transition. - It is necessary to create acceptable taxetation to stimulate economic progress and wider investments. - It is necessary to develop private enterprises, small business and industry on the smaller scale, catering, handicrafting and trading. - Interest rates on borrowings are too high and non stimulative, and should 'nt be higher than those of our main foreign trading partners. - It is necessary to give tax rebate to enterprises which invest in self-modernise to become more competitive. - Devaluation of Kuna will enable our main exporters to be more competitvely priced. - It is necessary to solve problem financing export. - Chamber of trade should create new educating programme for professions which are rare and dying out. PENSIONERS- Increase of pensions should be indexed parallel to increase of wages according to existing law, not to increase in the cost of living. - It is necessary to reinburse debth from 1994. - We are against special status pensions. As they exist, they should be paid from national budget. - It is necessary to stop the payments to those without prior payments into pensioner and healthy fund. - Pensioners must be represented in running pensioner fund. - Unpaid debth to pensioner and healthy fund must be paid at the earliest possible time. If it is not possible, this debth should be paid from national budget. - Pensioner 's fund property should be managed by pensioner fund misspropertied i.e.estranged property in transition must be returned into pensioner fund. It is necessary to cancel and return all managarial credits, and introduce revision of the activities by the fund from the beginning of transition. Regarding to a new pension law, we suggest present Holland law. That means that all citizens have equal pensions, as they all pay the same amount into fund. Transition time from the present system will be 15 years. Contributions would start 16 to 60 years of age and each one has to pay equal amount. For example, 200 Kunas per month will insure monthly retiring of 1600 Kunas per person. That would eliminate discrimination which is evident in today 's system. For those that wish higher pensions there are other possibilities as private insurance and ownership of shares. For poor and old population, payment should be ensured from local or government budget. Of course, the same should be indexed to the costs of living to keep realistic value. - We are planning old age pension at 60 years of age, or 40 years of working regardless of the age of individual. Mothers with more children should be able to retire earlier. Intelectuals should be able to work beyond mentioned age. BUILDINGS-According to our social programme it is necessary to enable building apartments which would be allocated to the special cases and to the widows of Croatian war, victims and war invalides. - As the terms of crediting are not suitable and acceptable, it is necessary to form adequate funds which will pay interest rate to the bank with remittance received by local budget. LOCAL BUDGET- We strive that local budget stay on the same level as it was in l996. as it is not realistic to expect increase of l4,32% which is based on increase of profit per capita of 9,34% on national level, and real rise of 5,67%, and on introduction of taxes on additional value whose apply is prolonged to the lst January,l998. As we are afraid that economy of Zagreb can 't achieve expected target, we suggest the following: - Additional taxe on earnings instead of today 's l8% should be reduced to 15% . - It 's necessary to moove some taxes from earnings to other sources. - It 's necessary to recheck structure of all incomes ( elliminate taxes for children food and supplies, increase taxes for games for pleasure and gambling, increase taxes on alcohol, but not on beer and non-alcoholic drinks). - Rechecing structure of costs ( reducing administration which cost local budget even 23,8% of total income, opening private child-cares would reduce cost of maintance). - It ' necessary to define priorities and controll of spending. - Budget should run parallel with reconstruction of Zagreb 's economy, with selective programme in the area of employment, tax politic, social politic, keeping in mind stipulated target. Main target of the local government must be townwatewr, electricity, gas and sealed road in each part of town. It 's necessary to build transformators, repair existing electricity supply to reduce " gray areas" as in Markusevac, Donja and Gornja Dubrava, Zitnjak, Vrapce, Fallerovo {etali{te, etc., price for gas equalize in the whole city (Vrapce), reduce enormously high price of communal taxes, create transition of ZET (public transport enterprise), build new tram lines in way to Precko and Dubec, solve some traffic bottle necks in the centre(Selska cesta), and finally solve problem of canalization and rain water on some locations (Zagrebacka cesta). It 's also necessary to push realization planning system of defence against floods from Medvednica by building adequate number of retining places as a key project for reduction of big floods, i.e. finally solving problem of waterways through city net-work. Keeping in mind planning reconstruction of city squares as Iblerov trg and Britanski trg, possible renovation of Cvjetni trg, Mirogojske arkade, and some other squares arround city, we consider that there is need for reorganization in city managment and necessity for including all experts advisers , and finaly, through public debate find the best solution. HEALTH INSURANCE- Every citizen who paid during his/her working life into health fund should have free health benefit. - Basic health cover including list of free medicaments has to be as it 's in other countries of similar economis situation. - It needs introduction of private health system to function parallel with general and special practice which are funded by contributions during working life of individuals. - Introducting private health insurance as additional possibility is necessary. - It 's necessary stronger controll of private peactice in all views: qualifications, equipment, working conditions, payment of service rendered. - We consider there is a need to continue with building hospital "Sveu~ili{na bolnica", because present capacity don 't satisfy requirements of the City. According to our elaborate, new hospital would organize medical work of the highest standard and City would gain additional ll23 beds. Also, it would guarantee conditions for new medical studies and research. EDUCATION- University and other research institutions should independently create plans, teaching programmes and employment policy. - It 's required better finance for scientific research. - It 's necessary urgently improve materiaL status of teachers in schools and professors on universities. - Ensure easy enrolment in schools and universities according to own choice and criterium of selection have to be achivements in studing. - Motivation of youth to study is necessary to be able to take over the responsibilities to carry out communist-centralistic societe into societe of free market, private enterprises and new technology. - It needs more investments into equipments and additional supplies to create better knowledge. ECOLOGY- It 's necessary to start thinking about biological power-station. - It,'s necessary to make choice of new technology on base of recicling raw-materials. - It 's necessary to make cleaning contaminated water by filtering. - Financial means from local budget have to ensure continuosly cleaning of waste dump Jaku{evac. - Problem with the biggest polutions of river Sava / coal producer in Trbovlje and producer of paper in Krsko, Slovenia / has to be solved in bilateral discussions between representatives of two states. - It 's necessary to introduce natural gas into all house holds as it 's the cheapest and cleanest energy. - It 's necessary good planning and division of spice into building area, agriculture area, irregation area and industrial area. - It 's necessary to legislate valuable and less valuable and sensitive area. - It 's necessary area planning of populartion growth. - It 's necessary to develop awarness and love for water areas especially for Sava river through popularity of river economy, transport, turism and sport. Among others, as a way of popularizing is introducing "water week" by City Council and with participation of all citizens and institutions. - Finally, City should make decission about renowing of lake Bundek into sport and recreation centre. AGRICULTURECity of Zagreb and it 's surreundings area should produce 7o% of agriculture products for own necessities (milck, meet, fruit and vegetable). To reach this, it 's necessary: - Make projection of development of agriculture, managing with forest and forestee area. - Bring out the elaborate regarding to communal and economy income. - Make division between agriculture and building land. - Bring out the plan of planting and farming in specific area keeping in mind agro-ecological conditions. - Stop with devastation of our forest. All the above satated is necessary to get better harvest per hectare, to achieve better quality and healthier products. LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENTCity budget for l997. was not confirmed by City Council. For the first time it was brought by Local Government what is highly irregular and such situation was known as " Zagreb 's crisis". We will support change of constitution so that mayor and county prefect should be elected by councillors, not by the President of republic. Only in specific cases, appointments could be made by Parliament.
HRVATSKA STRANKA PRAVA - l86l. Zagreb .March.l997. President: MR.D.Paraga |
National programme Programme for Zagreb U.S. SENAT RES. 169 Adres: Šenoina 13, 10 000 Zagreb,Croatia Tel: (+385) 1 4839 938, (+385) 1 4839 940 Fax: (+385) 1 4839 939 ![]() E-mail: hsp1861@hsp1861.hr |